Template Multidisciplinary International Journal Milik Perkadosi

Submit Manuscript: perkadosi@gmail.com

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Format of Articles:
  • Title
  • Author’s affiliation (Author Name, Department, College, State, Country, Mobile Number and E-Mail should be provided)
  • The Abstract should not be more than 400 words
  • About 3 to 6 keywords should be provided.
  • Heading and subheading should be numbered.
  1. Introduction
  2. Material and Methods
  3. Results
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusion
  6. Acknowledgement
  7. References
References: The reference number should follow the following format.
For Journals Format: Author(s) of article (surname initials). Title of the manuscript. Journal title abbreviated Year of publication; volume number (issue number): page numbers.
Standard journal article (If more than six authors, the first six shall be listed followed by et al.)
Kumari M, Chahal D. Use of Information Communication Technology for Effective Teacher Education. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. 2015; 2(10):01-05.

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